So it is Friday...
I remember one Friday, not to long ago. I was moving to a new position at my job and I had pretty much given up on working for the rest of the day. My simple ass decided to go have a few drinks during my break and not haven eaten anything since breakfast, I was a little toasted that afternoon. After work, I decided to go back to the bar with a group of friends and proceeded to drink almost $100 in liquor, by my damned self. Here is what I remember drinking:
at least 6 Lemon Drops
2 Blue Long Island Iced Teas
1 shot of Jagermeister
1 shot of something called Liquid Cocaine
at least 2 Tequila Sunrises
and of course, 2 shots of Patron Silver
Clearly, I was passed out drunk by 1:30am. Where was I you ask? I was in the bathroom. I was totally fine, until I sat down to pee. After waking up the next afternoon, I was informed that I was truly the life of the party. I danced with everyone, molested 2 friends of mine (1 male, 1 female), propositioned a few folks and at one point, decided that I was a stripper and proceeded to dance like I was one.
Honestly, I don't remember most of the night. The memories are fuzzy and I think that is only because people told me what I had been doing/saying. Luckily, I was with friends. They made sure that I wasn't around people who would take advantage of my inebriated state, and when I was finally down for the count, they got me out of there faster than the Road Runner could say “Meep, Meep”, to Wiley Coyote.
I made a promise to myself to never ever get that drunk again. I hated the feeling that I had lost 12 hours of my life and I had no idea what went on the night before. You know that things were out of control when the bartenders all know my name now.
Lesson learned: always drink amongst people you know, don't mix your liquors and always EAT SOMETHING!
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