Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hurricane Katrina

reliving the devastation of the deadliest and most devastating Hurricane to hit the shores of the United States in my lifetime (so far). i remember riding out the storm when it crossed over the South Florida area. they said it was a Category 1, but the damage said otherwise. i remember watching the coverage throughout the storm and thinking to myself, "if this storm does not break apart, wherever it hits next will be destroyed."

and then it headed towards the Gulf states and all i could do is hope that people were prepared. they weren't and neither was the local, state and federal governments. when you live in a state that is at or below sea level and is pretty much surrounded by water, you constantly have to be on your guard.

i twitted my initial thoughts on this subject...
-why i didn't know that Louisiana had an Governor was of East Indian-ish descent? this is why i love the educational channels. 19 minutes ago from TwitterFox
-Weather Channel exclusive on the Disaster that was Hurricane Katrina. tell me why they got folks blaming football games for not evacuating? 17 minutes ago from TwitterFox
-we were at the Saints/high school games and we missed the news. when we finally heard the winds, it was too late 16 minutes ago from TwitterFox
-that storm was headed towards you since it moved into the Gulf days before. PAY CLOSER ATTENTION PEOPLE! i rode that bitch out in Miami! 15 minutes ago from TwitterFox
-ignorance is not a game or an excuse! playing it smart and staying informed is the only way to survive these days. 12 minutes ago from TwitterFox

sometimes my mouth gets me in trouble, and after this storm hit... i sure had a lot of opinions (simply because i lived in Miami and was always prepared for the worst during Hurricane Season and i wasn't even a native).

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